In honor of Earth Day we proudly present...
The "Eco-Moon" Show!
This show opened on April 16th, 2016. Much of the artwork at "Eco Moon" featured pieces that included recycled or repurposed materials. In addition we had paintings by Clancie Pleasants & Chelsea Francis, plus the extraordinary ceramic art of Virginia Carter.
"For those of you who missed the opening ~ although, judging by the large turn-out, few did ~ the great people who curate the New Moon Art Gallery offered up another of their RSVP mid-month exhibitions with some spectacular pieces of artwork by mother and daughter Clancie Pleasants-Hodge and Chelsea Francis (both on whom art lovers should keep an eye!). Once again, it's always nice to have something cultural going on in hinterland Spokane's art community other than the three hours every First Friday when someone (the road-runner?) is expected to crowd too many events into too short a time span! Keep up the good work New-Moon Ladies!" ~ William Maltese
Click any photo below to see more of the slideshow....
"For those of you who missed the opening ~ although, judging by the large turn-out, few did ~ the great people who curate the New Moon Art Gallery offered up another of their RSVP mid-month exhibitions with some spectacular pieces of artwork by mother and daughter Clancie Pleasants-Hodge and Chelsea Francis (both on whom art lovers should keep an eye!). Once again, it's always nice to have something cultural going on in hinterland Spokane's art community other than the three hours every First Friday when someone (the road-runner?) is expected to crowd too many events into too short a time span! Keep up the good work New-Moon Ladies!" ~ William Maltese
Click any photo below to see more of the slideshow....
The New Moon Art Gallery is easy to find, just minutes from downtown Spokane, with free parking around the building. Not sure where we're located? Here is a MAP
Our regular hours are Tues - Sat, 11am until 5pm ... please stop by to see us!
The New Moon Art Gallery is easy to find, just minutes from downtown Spokane, with free parking around the building. Not sure where we're located? Here is a MAP
Our regular hours are Tues - Sat, 11am until 5pm ... please stop by to see us!
View our.. UPCOMING SHOW ...or our... PREVIOUS SHOWS
Are you interested in taking an Art Workshop? Click HERE for more info!
And don't forget to visit our page to learn more about a fun & creative Moon Gallery Art Party
Most of our shows have an "opening" which is available for everyone on our mailing list. To sign up, go to our Newsletter Page or call 509-413-9101
Are you interested in taking an Art Workshop? Click HERE for more info!
And don't forget to visit our page to learn more about a fun & creative Moon Gallery Art Party
Most of our shows have an "opening" which is available for everyone on our mailing list. To sign up, go to our Newsletter Page or call 509-413-9101